Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Our Christmas Day 2007

Quila is patiently awaiting Santa's arrival. "Wonder if I've been good enough? Maybe my recent MX, MXJ titles will win me a visit by the bigman, himself!?"

What a tough day. Opening toys, playing with doggie pee
ps, time for Kimba to take a nap in Kona's new bed.

After a trip to play chuck-it and frisbee at the dog park, it's time for another nap before dinner.

And now, gotta get some of that prime rib from Gramma, she's a total pushover.

Gromit says "G'night" Hope you all had a great holiday!


Johann The Dog said...

Wow, look at all those toys you all got! And that new bed, very cool. So how much of that food did your Gramma let you have, yum! Great pics, looks like you had a real fun day!

Woofs, Johann

Oh, and another congrats on the titles!

Johann The Dog said...

Stopping by to with you a Happy New Year! Oh and we posted about other times for the programs you had to miss - just for you! BOL!

Woofs, Johann

Tatum Tot said...

Awww those are great pics, what a wonderful Christmas! Lots of toys!

CCamera said...

Your dogs are beautiful! We are following each other on twitter and I just wandered onto your site! I love it!